Black Rectangles Redux: Top 5 Tips for Lobby Video Wall Content

By Peter Sapienza

Top 5 Tips for Lobby Video Wall Content

Back in 2019, I wrote an article called “BLACK RECTANGLES” about video wall content, the main point being that video walls must be developed and managed within a broader context than just being equipment. Beyond the speeds and feeds of the latest hardware and software, these extra large LED systems are now digital canvases for places, and must be matched with compelling content and sophisticated programming that engages visitors and allows places to best tell their own stories.

If you’ve got a video wall, it is prudent to focus on the present, as in: What content must be on my video wall now? And it is critical to have a plan for the future so content does not become stale, dated or obsolete.

Currently the world video wall market is growing, and accelerating, fueled by advances in technology, including transparent and curved video hardware, software improvements, and the general increase in demand for immersive viewing experiences. From 2017-2023 the Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the video wall market was 5% per year. The CAGR is 10% over the next 10 years (even higher in China), and the value of the market is forecasted to increase from $8,389MM today to $22,768MM in 2033.

Back in 2019 when I wrote the article about Black Rectangles, I identified 5 tips for video wall success. Now more than ever these 5 Tips still apply, with some refinements for 2023:

1. Create Living Interior Design - Plan video wall content as if it were interior design, reflecting a holistic vision for the space, respecting user flow, vantage points, ambient lighting, colors, textures and architectural characteristics to enhance the visual and sensory experience. In 2023, given advances in software programming, it is also possible to create multiple modes of dynamic content that adapt across the day, the season and the year to provide a form of living interior design.

2. Introduce Immersive Branding - Use video walls as non-linear brand storytelling canvases to show guests and staff both an immersive representation of organizational values, and to communicate practical matters, such as special occasions, events, and public service information. For 2023, interactivity and continuity between video wall content and other digital channels such as website, apps, live data feeds, AI and QR codes is now possible to deepen the engagement. Video walls are not just for decor, they can be valuable immersive platforms for brand values and public service, as cFire clients Salesforce and Seattle Children’s Hospital know.

3. Bring the Healing Power of Nature and Art Into Places - The mind, body and spirit actually benefit from being immersed in nature and art, even if on a video display. The capability to provide calming nature and engaging art to places offer a respectful counterpoint to expected advertising, and reduce sensory pollution. Our clients' places, such as MGM's 5 star 25 LED screen Spectacle and Salesforce’s immersive lobbies worldwide are desirable destinations, and video wall content that is nature, art and culture is a way to attract and keep tenants, guests and visitors, which is in itself ROI.

4. Go with a Pro - Work with content specialists and technologists who know 3D and sensory immersion. You get what you pay for, and your solution is greatly influenced by whomever you partner with to help set up your video wall program, and there are many ecosystem options. You can pay an architectural firm, a video production company, an AV/IT company, a software server company, an artist, an in-house digital agency, or an equipment manufacturer. All of these fine entities are masters of their craft, however none holds the keys to the entire solution, and it is more synchronous and cost-effective if they work together! I recommend using a pro immersive content design and production studio, like cFire, to design and produce a quality cost-effective content solution, and to unite and collaborate with the right ecosystem partners. For example, we frequently work with talented artists, a pro LED supplier like SNA Displays, top architects and great AV/IT integrators on a given project. Like a movie production studio, such an immersive content studio can bring the right director, script, cast, technologies and special effects together for the best outcome. Immersive content studios have decades of real experience with these XL technology canvases. They create large immersive content programs, have time tested quality guidelines, workflow processes, client-friendly pricing models and scalability options for your video wall content. Go with a partner who has all of the required skills and bonafides: premium quality immersive content, deep technical and design know how, and fast attentive professional services.

5. The Content Pipeline Never Sleeps - To conclude by restating the obvious, once the technology is in place, the next ten years is content. Great video wall content enhances the everyday experience and special occasions of a place and it makes people excited about coming to work, draws visitors, guests, supports patients and families, and creates shared moments to remember. The content must never go stale, the pipeline must never run dry, as there is always another season, another day, another celebration, a new event and another level of depth to any story or experience. A well-designed video wall content program is a way to add attraction, engagement, understanding and emotion to the user experience and capability to the digital content mix.


Published 28 March, 2024